The Book of Shaders by Patricio Gonzalez Vivo & Jen Lowe

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Examples Gallery

This is a collection of examples extracted from the chapters of this book together with shared shaders kindly donated by other readers using the on-line editor. Feel free to explore and tweak them bit by bit. Once you have something you are proud of, click the "Export" and then copy the "URL to code...". Send it to @bookofshaders or @kyndinfo. We are looking forward to see it!


Let's look at how to draw simple shapes in a parallel procedural way. In a nutshell, all you need to do is to determine if each pixel belongs to the shape you want to draw or not, and apply different colors accordingly. You can use coordinate system like a grid paper to draw rectangles and squares. We'll look at more advanced concept called distance field to draw more complex shapes.

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