The Book of Shaders by Patricio Gonzalez Vivo


3 dimensional boolean vector


vec3 aBvec3 = bvec3(true, true, true);
vec3 bBvec3 = bvec3(true);

vec3 cBvec3 = bvec3(aBvec4);
vec3 dBvec3 = bvec3(aBvec4.x, aBvec4.y, aBvec4.z);

vec3 eBvec3 = bvec3(aBvec2, aBool);
vec3 fBvec3 = bvec3(aBvec2.x, aBvec2.y, aBool);


bvec3 is a boolean vector with three components. It can be initialized by:

See Also

bool, int, float, bvec2, bvec3, bvec4, ivec2, ivec3, ivec4, vec2, vec3, vec4, mat2, mat3, mat4